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Finalized Medicare reimbursement pathway for personal exoskeletons expands access for all eligible Medicare beneficiaries
On April 11, 2024, Medicare finalized its reimbursement for the ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton, which marks a significant milestone for the spinal cord injury community. This reimbursement decision applies to claims submitted on or after April 1, 2024. With this decision, Medicare has finalized the reimbursement pathway for personal exoskeletons, enabling medically eligible beneficiaries and their physicians to pursue a ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton with greater confidence and clarity into the Medicare reimbursement process.
Lifeward has been at the forefront of advocating for expanded access to personal exoskeletons and is proud to have played a role in achieving this positive outcome for Medicare beneficiaries. ReWalk is the first personal exoskeleton to have received Medicare coverage for an eligible beneficiary based on that individual’s medical necessity.
Lifeward is confident that this finalized reimbursement pathway will broaden access to the ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton for qualified individuals living with spinal cord injury, so that they can experience the health and psychological benefits of integrating standing, walking and stair and curb navigation in their everyday lives.
Including individuals with VA benefits, Workers Compensation, and Medicare, nearly 40% of individuals with spinal cord injury are insured by payers that have reimbursed claims for medically eligible individuals. It’s important to note that medical eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Interested individuals are encouraged to consult with their healthcare providers or reach out to Lifeward representatives for personalized guidance. If you or someone you know would like to pursue a ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton, please contact Lifeward at