News & Events

In Episode 23, Rebecca Martin, OTR/L, OTD from the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury at the Kennedy Krieger Institute highlights some of the challenges that clinicians face in achieving high volumes of repetitions during activity-based rehab following neurological injury, and introduces some techniques for combining modalities like NMES or movement biofeedback in order to facilitate massed practice of targeted activities to increase repetitions and drive neuroplastic recovery.
To learn more about the MediTouch movement biofeedback devices that Rebecca discusses and schedule a demonstration, visit the ReWalk Resource Center Here.
And in case you missed last month’s episode, be sure to check out Topics in NeuroRehabilitation Episode 22 on YouTube here:…
To learn more about Rebecca’s work at the Kennedy Krieger Institute or any of the references she mentioned in her talk, please refer to the links below: International Center for Spinal Cord Injury at Kennedy Krieger Institute:…
Online Continuing Education for Occupational Therapists:
Martin, Rebecca, et al. “Functional electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury: from theory to practice.” Topics in spinal cord injury rehabilitation 18.1 (2012): 28-33.…
Lang, Catherine E., et al. “Observation of amounts of movement practice provided during stroke rehabilitation.” Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 90.10 (2009): 1692-1698.…
Martin, Rebecca, Kristin Johnston, and Cristina Sadowsky. “Neuromuscular electrical stimulation–assisted grasp training and restoration of function in the tetraplegic hand: A case series.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 66.4 (2012): 471-477.…
Waddell, Kimberly J., et al. “Feasibility of high-repetition, task-specific training for individuals with upper-extremity paresis.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 68.4 (2014): 444-453.…