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“It’s More Than Walking.”
A common response we hear from ReWalkers when they discuss using their ReWalk exoskeletons is the effect regular usage of the devices has on their bowel function.
An observational study explored the effects of exoskeleton-assisted walking (EAW) on bowel function in persons with spinal cord injury. At least 5/10 participants reported improvements with frequency of bowel evacuations, less time spent on bowel management per day, fewer bowel accidents per month, reduced laxative and/or stool softener use, and improved overall satisfaction with their bowel program post-EAW training. Furthermore, 8/10 reported improved stool consistency and 7/10 reported improved bowel function related QOL.
We hear time and time again from ReWalkers how improved bowel management has given them time back in their day and made them feel more confident when leaving the home.
Read more about this publication here
We also invite you to reach us to learn more about the ReWalk Exoskeleton by reaching us here. We can explain how the device works, conduct a brief screening, and discuss options for reimbursement and how we may be able to support you in seeking your own device.