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Episode 21 of Topics in NeuroRehabilitation features Judy Meier, PT from MYOLYN, who talks about the benefits of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) cycling programs in both the clinic and home environments.
While the most well-known applications for FES cycling are in patients with spinal cord injuries, Judy also elaborates on how this technology can benefit individuals with a wide variety of neurologic diagnoses, including MS, TBI, and stroke, and how to evaluate patients as potential candidates for home FES cycling programs to maintain health benefits beyond their initial episode of care.
ReWalk and MYOLYN recently entered a partnership to help expand access to the MyoCycle Home and Pro versions of this technology available in the United States to Commercial Clinics, VA Facilities, and US Veterans through ReWalk Robotics. To learn more about this product, please visit our FES cycle resource page or use our contact form to reach out to us directly.
References: MYOLYN website: Spasticity: Bremner, L. A., et al. “A clinical exercise system for paraplegics using functional electrical stimulation.” Spinal Cord 30.9 (1992): 647-655.… Krause, Phillip, Johann Szecsi, and Andreas Straube. “Changes in spastic muscle tone increase in patients with spinal cord injury using functional electrical stimulation and passive leg movements.” Clinical rehabilitation 22.7 (2008): 627-634.… Yeh, Chun-Yu, et al. “Effect of a bout of leg cycling with electrical stimulation on reduction of hypertonia in patients with stroke.” Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 91.11 (2010): 1731-1736.… Bone Density: Mohr, T., et al. “Increased bone mineral density after prolonged electrically induced cycle training of paralyzed limbs in spinal cord injured man.” Calcified tissue international 61.1 (1997): 22-25.…. Frotzler, Angela, et al. “High-volume FES-cycling partially reverses bone loss in people with chronic spinal cord injury.” Bone 43.1 (2008): 169-176.… Prevent Atrophy/Build Muscle: Sloan, K. E., et al. “Musculoskeletal effects of an electrical stimulation induced cycling programme in the spinal injured.” Spinal Cord 32.6 (1994): 407-415. Scremin, AM Erika, et al. “Increasing muscle mass in spinal cord injured persons with a functional electrical stimulation exercise program.” Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 80.12 (1999): 1531-1536.… Increase Strength: Hooker, Steven P., et al. “Peak and submaximal physiologic responses following electrical stimulation leg cycle ergometer training.” Journal of rehabilitation research and development 32 (1995): 361-366.… Bloomfield, S. A., Walter Jerry Mysiw, and Rebecca Dorothy Jackson. “Bone mass and endocrine adaptations to training in spinal cord injured individuals.” Bone 19.1 (1996): 61-68.… Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke: Szecsi, Johann, et al. “Functional electrical stimulation-assisted cycling of patients with multiple sclerosis: biomechanical and functional outcome–a pilot study.” Journal of rehabilitation medicine 41.8 (2009): 674-680.… Fornusek, Ché, and Phu Hoang. “Neuromuscular electrical stimulation cycling exercise for persons with advanced multiple sclerosis.” Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 46.7 (2014): 698-702.… Ambrosini, Emilia, et al. “Cycling induced by electrical stimulation improves muscle activation and symmetry during pedaling in hemiparetic patients.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 20.3 (2012): 320-330.…